添加时间:责任编辑:李昂原标题 一汽夏利“剧透”重组意向中铁物晟二度冲击A股⊙记者 王子霖 ○编辑 祝建华12月5日晚间接控股股东紧急通知并停牌的一汽夏利今日公告,本次重大资产重组方案已达成初步意向,中铁物晟科技发展有限公司(下称“中铁物晟”)的控股股东中国铁路物资股份有限公司(下称“铁物股份”)成为交易方。作为本次重组的第一步,一汽夏利控股股东一汽股份将所持公司控股股权无偿划转至铁物股份。本次划转完成后,铁物股份将成为公司的控股股东,公司的实际控制人仍为国务院国资委。
And-- but those companies needed money. I mean, when AndrewCarnegie was-- went in the steel business, he built one steel mill, you know,made money that, saved it. Then three or four years later, he built anotherone. And it was-- it was capital retention and-- and oil business, the sameway, whatever it was. And now the really incredible companies are the ones thataccount for just the top five would-- would be well over 10% of the marketvalue of the company-- country. They really don‘t-- they don’t take capitalthat-- they make it-- their suppliers may in some cases, and all that. But--but they are really-- overwhelmingly, they‘re capital light. And-- and that isreally different.
沃伦·巴菲特:不。如果我买什么东西,那一定是为了伯克希尔的。我是说,我只是这样做。我将伯克希尔(的利益)放在我个人之前。如果伯克希尔拥有《华盛顿邮报》,这对伯克希尔来说可能会是个错误。ANDY SERWER:Because of the political stuff?
安迪·塞尔沃:今天是3月10日,股市崩盘的第二天,道琼斯指数下跌超过2000点,油价跌至每桶30美元左右,10年期国债跌至0.5%以下,到底发生了什么,沃伦·巴菲特?WARREN BUFFETT:I told you many years ago, if you stickaround long enough, you‘ll see everything in markets. And it may have taken meto 89 years of age to throw this one into the experience. But markets, if youhave to be open second by second, they react to news in a big time way. It’snot like the market for real estate or farms or things of that sort.